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Wireframing in FuseBuilder

In the web framework Fusebox, the "Wireframe" is a simple text-based version of the proposed web application, and is used during the planning stage as a tool for the developer to work out the functions that the application will require, and for the clients to view the proposal in a way that is easy for them to follow. Because it shows only those exits that are available to the currently viewed page, you can quickly get an idea of how the application will flow, making adjustments to navigation and to scope as necessary, without having to worry about time-consuming and costly revisions.

The Wireframe Simulation Page

Picture of the Wireframe Simulation View, which allows you to preview the flow of a project
The Wireframe Simulation View shows the fuseaction as
a simple text-only page and any exits to other pages.
  1. A link to the "Quick Map" of the wireframe for the entire project.
  2. A link to the fuseaction in the Project View.
  3. The look of the wireframe can be changed by assigning a Prototype Layout to the wireframe in the project's properties.
  4. The Wireframe Simulation Page shows the text from the "Responsibilities" section in the Fusedoc of each template that is included either directly or via a Remote Fuseaction.
  5. Any XFAs set in this fuseaction, or XFAs set in any parent circuits, or automatic relocations will be listed and clickable.

The Wireframe Quickmap

Picture of the Wireframe Quickmap, which is an overview of all fuseactions
The Wireframe Quickmap shows an overview of the fuseactions
in a project,and can be filtered by circuit, sorted or searched
by user-defined criteria.
  1. The list of circuits in the project. Highlighted circuits are visible in the quickmap.
  2. Wireframe Notes are shown in a second frame. In the Notes frame you can enter messages or mark a fuseaction as approved or not approved.
  3. The fuseactions can be sorted for display by the different columns in the Quick Map. If you sort them by "Incomplete", any fuseactions that haven't been Wireframed yet will be arranged at the top of the list.
  4. The Approval Summary column can be hidden or revealed, and allows the user to see which fuseactions have been approved, and set multiple fuseactions for approval in one form.
  5. In addition to sorting by column, the visible fuseactions can be searched by keyword as well.
  6. Click on "Edit" to edit the fuseaction in Wireframe mode.
  7. Click on the name of the fuseaction to view a simulation of the fuseaction in Wireframe mode.
  8. Fuseactions that haven't been Wireframed yet will be flagged in the Quick Map.
  9. Any XFAs set for the fuseaction, or in the circuit, will be listed in this column.

Adding/Editing in Wireframe Edit Mode

Picture of the Wireframe Pagestate form, used to add or edit Fuseactions in Wireframe Edit Mode
The Wireframe Pagestate form allows you to add or edit fuseactions
in a rudimentary but extremely efficient interface.
  1. The text that will show up in the "Description" of the page in Wireframe View. This is actually the "Responsibilities" text of the fuse's fusedocs. Because of this, a fuseaction can be edited in Wireframe Edit Mode only if it has one or zero fuses.
  2. The prefix of the fuse. Part of the Fusebox framework is the naming conventions in any fuses. The prefixes allow a person to ascertain the purpose of a fuse by its name.
  3. The name of the XFA variable. This doubles as the text of the clickable link shown in the Wireframe Simulation Page. FuseBuilder will automatically replace spaces with underscores in the variable name. Any characters that would be illegal as variable names should not be used.
  4. The "circuit.fuseaction" to which the XFA links. Any existing fuseactions will be listed in this select box.
  5. If you need to create a new "circuit.fuseaction", you can enter it in this box. If you have filtered the quick map down to a single circuit, you can leave out the "circuit." portion of the fuseaction and it will be created in the selected circuit.